Since 2010, DoF Media has been a San Francisco based video production company that loves telling stories through memorable images. Visual storytelling compels people to become more curious, intelligently informed, and better motivated to make the decision to see a product or the world differently.
Together we just have to reach them.


Brand Journalism

Your brand is great, and we know there is a story to tell. By combining invaluable experience in journalism with the know-how of corporate communications, DoF Media can paint a picture of your story that is unique, credible, and resonates with your audience.


DoF Media founder Barton Bishoff co-produced and premiered at SXSW “Theory of Obscurity: A Film About The Residents” (KTF Films, DoF Media), and has collaborated on several documentary films:Batkid (KTF Films), Washed Away (KTF Films), “Close to Home” (NBC News), “Pot And Politics: California vs. The United States” ( NBC News), “Sound Man: WWII to MP3″ (Lucky Exit Films).


We support artists. Visual expression through music and images bring us great joy. Our team has a rich collective body of experience in music videos. We are never predictable or rigid in approach, our team works together to make a convincing and relevant presentation.